Underneath my book “Alphabet City” open to the letters D and E. Building Stories , National Building Museum, Washington, D.C., January, 2024.
 Sketchbook showing studies for the letter F from the book  Alphabet City.  National Building Museum, Washington, D.C., January, 2024. (Permanent Collection of the National Building Museum, Washington, D.C)
  Goofing around at the opening for Building Stories , National Building Museum, Washington, D.C., January, 2024.
 Wonderful opening reception and cocktail party for “Building Stories” The National Building Museum. Here with my lovely date amongst David Macaulay’s magnificent installation of organized chaos showcasing tons of preparatory sketches and book dummie
 The  Distinguished Alumni Award  Ceremony, School of Architecture & Design held at the Lied Center at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 2024
 Opening reception from my solo show “Abstractions” at Weinberger Fine Art in Kansas City, MO, 2012.
 Opening reception from my solo show “Abstractions” at Weinberger Fine Art in Kansas City, MO, 2012.
 Opening reception from my solo show “Abstractions” at Weinberger Fine Art in Kansas City, MO, 2012.
 Kim Weinberger and client at the opening reception from my solo show “Abstractions” at Weinberger Fine Art in Kansas City, MO, 2012.
 Los Angeles collectors at my opening reception from my solo show “Abstractions” at Weinberger Fine Art in Kansas City, MO, 2012.
 View from across the street as I spoke on June 21st, 2007 – Opening night of "An Abstract Alphabet: New Works by Stephen Johnson" at the Spencer Museum of Art. 
June 21st, 2007 – Opening night of my Solo Exhibition "An Abstract Alphabet: New Works by Stephen Johnson" at the Spencer Museum of Art.
 Installation view of "An Abstract Alphabet: New Works by Stephen Johnson," the  Spencer Museum of Art ,  the University of Kan sas, Lawrence, KS, 2007.
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 Giving a speech for a private reception sponsored by USBank during my exhibition: "An Abstract Alphabet: New Works by Stephen Johnson," the  Spencer Museum of Art  , the University of K ansas, Lawrence, KS, 2007.
  Alphabet Soup: Work by Stephen T. Johnson, Jim Munce and Tony Fitzpatrick , Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 2008. STJ works represented were  Landscape ,  Quiet Time Quilt ,  Ice Cream Floats ,  Untitle
  Accumulations: Paintings and Installations by Stephen T. Johnson and Joelle Ford , Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Montgomery, AL, 2012. STJ works exhibited were  Camouflag e,  Ice Cream Floats , and  Recycled .
  Art and Ideas: Stephen T. Johnson , White Gallery, Sangre de Cristo Arts Center, Pueblo, CO, 2011
  Art and Ideas: Stephen T. Johnson , White Gallery, Sangre de Cristo Arts Center, Pueblo, CO, 2011
  My Little Red Toolbox  and  My Little Blue Robot  Books  – Art and Ideas: Stephen T. Johnson , White Gallery, Sangre de Cristo Arts Center, Pueblo, CO, 2011
  Art and Ideas: Stephen T. Johnson , White Gallery, Sangre de Cristo Arts Center, Pueblo, CO, 2011
  City by Numbers  paintings –  Art and Ideas: Stephen T. Johnson , White Gallery, Sangre de Cristo Arts Center, Pueblo, CO, 2011
  Art and Ideas: Stephen T. Johnson , White Gallery, Sangre de Cristo Arts Center, Pueblo, CO, 2011
  In the Academic Tradition, Connections between the Artist’s Work and his Art Collection , Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art, St. Joseph, MO, 2022.
  In the Academic Tradition, Connections between the Artist’s Work and his Art Collection , Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art, St. Joseph, MO, 2022. Works from left to right are:  The Wine colored Bodice  (1928) by   John Theodore Johnson   (American, b.
 Stephen’s Father   John Theodore Johnson, Jr .  contemplating his drawings, as well as his father’s, his sons and many others in the exhibition:  In the Academic Tradition, Connections between the Artist’s Work and his Art Collection , Albrecht-Kemp
 Stephen and his Mother in front of the big wall representing numerous artists as well as his work at his exhibition:  In the Academic Tradition, Connections between the Artist’s Work and his Art Collection , Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art, St. Joseph
  In the Academic Tradition, Connections between the Artist’s Work and his Art Collection , Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art, St. Joseph, MO, 2022. Works from left to right are:  Nannia  by   Otto Greiner   (German, 1869-1916) as well as two lithographs
  In the Academic Tradition, Connections between the Artist’s Work and his Art Collection , Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art, St. Joseph, MO, 2022. Works from left to right are:  Torso  (1974) by   John Theodore Johnson, Jr .  (American, b. 1936- 2024);
 Presenting at the American Library Conference in San Francisco, California in 2015.
 With my dear editor Paula Wiseman and the marvelous author Angela DiTerlizzi at the American Library Conference in San Francisco, California in 2015.
  Family Day at  The Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, NY in conjunction with “ The Interactive Art of Stephen T. Johnson, ” exhibit. Year 2007.
  Family Day at  The Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, NY in conjunction with “ The Interactive Art of Stephen T. Johnson, ” exhibit. Year 2007.
 Opening of the School of Business, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS in 2017 with my work “Ice Cream Floats” in their permanent collection.
 Opening of the School of Business, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS in 2017 with my piece “Quiet Time Quilt” in their permanent collection.
  Nocturnes: Paintings and Prints  by  Stephen T. Johnson and Lisa Grossman , Lawrence Arts Center, Lawrence, KS, 2009
 Some of Stephen’s work from  Nocturnes: Paintings and Prints  by  Stephen T. Johnson and Lisa Grossman , Lawrence Arts Center, Lawrence, KS, 2009/
 With my pastel  Olympia II  at the 2016 Lawrence Art Auction, Lawrence, KS.
 With my pastel  Male Nude  at the 2011 Lawrence Art Auction, Lawrence, KS.
 Delighted to be a featured presenter along with these esteemed author/illustrators at the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Conference, Orlando, FL in 2015.
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